This is the story of how a Pennsylvania Orthopedic Surgeon saved the life of his wife by performing the life-saving technique of CPR on her when she was in cardiac arrest until emergency technicians arrived and could resume support en route to the hospital.
After spending one Saturday afternoon watching a Phillies baseball game, Matt and Stephanie Austin were heading to their new beach house for some much needed rest and relaxation and a chance to sleep in on Sunday morning. Their plans for sleeping in were spoiled by a 6:00 A.M. call from another doctor requesting Matt’s advice.
As he was talking with his colleague on the telephone, he noticed Stephanie was making weird sounds, he called her name out but she did not respond. He turned her over in the bed and noticed her pupils were fixed and dilated and her face was blue—she was in full cardiac arrest.
Thinking quickly, Matt called 911 and started performing CPR on his wife. Both Matt and Stephanie had first learned how to do CPR while they were both still in high school during which time when Matt was a lifeguard.
Matt was a doctor, however, he was an orthopedic surgeon so he did not use CPR as much as the other nurses and E.R. doctors did. When the ambulance arrived, he had to temporarily stop CPR so he could go down the two flights of stairs to allow the emergency technicians into the house.
Even though Stephanie led and active lifestyle and appeared healthy; her heart was not healthy. Thanks to the quick reactions of her husband, and the CPR process he was able to save her life and she is still alive today.